Theme Elements

Oct 7, 2015. | By: Zoe Meii

This is an introductory post to all elements provided in the Apes Portfolio Theme and help you start with Markdown.

Elements In This Post


Feel free to use and edit the elements below for your blog posts.


To add a list with bullet:

  • Item number one
  • Item number two
    • A nested item
    • A nested item
  • A final item

To add a list with nubmers:

  1. Install Jekyll
  2. Download and install Crocodile Theme
  3. Build your online portfolio

There are three ways to add url in your post. - Method 1: Insert the whole url Put the url in this format
The link will be shonw in your post as

  • Method 2: Define a customized name of your url
    Dongmei’s website

  • Method 3: URL as superscript
    Name the url like this
    [Crocodile Wikipedia Reference][^1]]
    The reference link will be shonw in your post as [Crocodile Wikipedia Reference]1.


With some simple CSS codes, you can add responsive images into your post.


"It doesn’t matter if the feature an icon represents is immediately and intuitively obvious; what matters is that once you’ve made the link in your head - once you’ve learned what an icon does - some quality of the icon makes that link unbreakable." Susan Kare


What if you want to present all of your posts and allow your to filter by post tags? We use Isotope Javascript created by Metafizzy (Read more on Isotope GitHub repository.)

In Crocodile Theme, all posts under Gallery were tagged with different subjects, and user may click to see only the categories that they are interested.

First, to tag post with subjects respectively in the post markdown header:

layout: project
title:  Add title here
date:   2014-07-25 16:54:46
author: Add name here
- work
img: sketch-1.jpg
subjects: sketchbook

Second, to load the below JavaScript to allow selection:

<script type="text/javascript">

	JavaScript Isotope to filter gallery works by category
################################################################# */
    var $container = $('.portfolioContainer');
        filter: '*',
        animationOptions: {
            duration: 750,
            easing: 'linear',
            queue: false
    $('.galleryFilter a').click(function(){
        $('.galleryFilter .current').removeClass('current');
        var selector = $(this).attr('data-filter');
            filter: selector,
            animationOptions: {
                duration: 750,
                easing: 'linear',
                queue: false
         return false;


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